SeaRay (Waterproof UV Detector Box)

Available Options:
Order Quantity Price Per Item
144-249 $2.90 CDN
250-399 $2.81 CDN
400-599 $2.73 CDN
600-999 $2.67 CDN
1000+ $2.59 CDN

SKU 1496

Protects skin from harmful UV rays and keeps valuables safe and dry while at the beach or pool. Plastic UV beads on lanyard glow different colors according to how long they've been exposed to the sun's rays, so you can decide when enough is enough. Waterp.
Set up charge: $40
Dimensions: L 1.50" W 1.75" H 4.50"
Quantity: Add to Cart
(This product has a minimum quantity of 144)